Anger Management & Resolution Intensive Courses and Weekly Appointments in
Milton Keynes, Luton, Northamptonshire and Bedfordshire

Anger Management in Wellingborough, Milton Keynes, Kettering, Northampton, Rushden, & Bedford

Over the past decade, we have successfully helped thousands of people free themselves from the oppression of anger and aggression. We help people
Overcome general anger and aggression,
• Overcome domestic and social violence,
Overcome ‘road rage’ and other social anger,
• Overcome difficulties with angry and aggressive children,
Improve personal and familial relationships,
• Improve communication without the need aggression,
Skillfully manage EX partners and spouses,
• Skillfully manage difficult and often aggressive separations and divorces,
Improve work-based relationships and take advantage of employment opportunities, and
• Skillfully manage difficult clients and employees.

Our Anger courses and weekly therapy are completely proprietary and can be found nowhere else. It has taken ten years to fully develop our model and process and together they offer a completely unique, simple, and innovative way of reducing and then resolving anger issues – PERMINANTLY; without the need for long-term management, tools, strategies, techniques, or self-control. Instead, our method is:

Unique - Not all Anger Management courses, programs, therapists, and specialists are the same or equal. As with all professions, there are the good, the bad and the outright confused and damaging. However, our models, processes and specialists are second-to-none. Our model and process is completely unique, ground-breaking and has a proven record of excellence.

Systemic - Our Model recognises that people live and function within families and groups and are part of complex interpersonal systems. People relate to loved ones, family, friends, work colleagues, and wider communities and anger issues are expressed within those relationships and are influential in, and influenced by those relationships. Our method takes into account personal and interpersonal relationships, influences and causation and is designed to help change not only the anger-sufferer but improve their situation.

Process Orientated - Our model seeks to map and help each individual anger-suffer understand their specific personal and relational processes. If an anger-sufferer is to reduce and then resolve their anger issue, they must first understand their own personal and relational ways of being. They need a dispassionate, accurate and in-depth understanding of what they do and why they do it, without the hindrance of judging, shame, guilt or self-punishment. Our model offers this opportunity.

Method & Purpose - Unlike so many ill-conceived anger management interventions, which are just random groups of what therapists hope to be helpful ideas, cobbled together, in a desperate attempt to 'manage' what is a completely misunderstood issue. Our anger resolution model is born out of a comprehensive understanding anger issues and their personal and interpersonal significance. Despite each anger-sufferer being uniquely individual with their own viewpoint, personality, strengths, weaknesses, history, and relationships. Our model's process maintains an overall method, goal, and direction, while at the same time integrating all aspects of the individual's personal and interpersonal context and relationships, thus creating a bespoke treatment plan. Our model and process are simple to access, but also, a powerful life-changing approach that is the result of over a decade of experience and design. It is second to none.

Inspiring - Again, unlike many anger management processes which are coercive and punishing and filled with recriminations and attempt to shame or guilt anger-sufferers into change. Our method works with the anger-sufferer and not against them. Our model is designed to inspire you, empower you and fill you with pride and confidence. We aim to clear your mind of misunderstandings, fear and negativity and help you reach your potential to become the best version of yourself, so that anger and aggression are no longer felt to be necessary.

Our anger-management model is designed to help you achieve long-term resolution of your anger issues and significantly improve your personal, relational and professional life. If permitted, we are here to help you live a happy, connected and productive life. We are here to inspire you to be all that you can be.

Choosing Your Solution

All our courses and weekly treatment plans are designed to help anger-sufferers reduce and then resolve their issues and not just 'manage' them. We know that this is perhaps a revolutionary idea, especially in the field of 'Anger Management'. A field that for decades has been dominated by clichéd and trite advice and a complete misunderstanding as to the true nature of anger and aggression. But, which would you rather do, spend your life 'managing' your anger issues and failing, or alternatively, resolve your issues and not have an anger issue to manage? Anyone who tells you that you have to manage your issues, plainly, does not know how to help you resolve your issues and therefore, perhaps, is not the right person to help you.

We offer three routes to reducing and then resolving anger issues: Intensive Weekend Courses; Individual Weekly Therapy and a combination of the two. Fundamentally, the choice is in the hands of the individual and will be influenced by timing, availability, and affordability. However, if one wants the best opportunity for the best outcome and is looking for speed and impact. Then combining both an intensive course with weekly appointments would be our recommended approach.

Intensive Anger Management Courses
Amongst the best and most effective courses available: Our intensive courses are the best of the best and we defy you to find better! Not all courses are the same. They are not all ‘much of a muchness’. And not all courses are created equal. All too many courses are cynically thrown together, designed to provide income rather than a service. Our courses are service and client orientated, designed to help the individual through a powerful process of permanent change and growth. No gimmicks. No hapless tools. No wishful thinking. Drawing on decades of experience, training and skill, our course content is cohesive, innovative, revolutionary, unique and proven to be effective.
Jump to Intensive Anger Management Courses and Training

One-to-One Anger Management
Achieve your goals with help from the best or the best: Why settle for less? You and your family deserve help from the best professional Anger Therapists and Services available! Free yourself from the slavery of anger issues, permanently. Our Anger therapists are second-to-none in the field of Anger reduction and Resolution. Combine that with our ground-breaking unique and bespoke treatment plans, and you have a recipe for success!
Jump to One-to-One Weekly Anger Management Therapy

Combined Intensive Course with Weekly Appointments
Speed and impact: The combination of ground-breaking intensive courses and training with one-to-one weekly therapy cannot be beaten for speed and longevity. An intensive course will help you act with immediacy and reduce the impact of potentially destructive outcomes in your life and begin a powerful process of change. This followed by a course of one-to-one weekly anger therapy to support you in the longer-term to achieve that permanent change.
Jump to Combined Training and Therapy

Courses & Weekly Anger Management. Aggressive Divorce

Anger Management Courses & Training

Is your relationship on the verge of falling apart or has it already done so?
Have you lost access to your children or are you under the threat of doing so?
Have you lost employment because of your behaviour?
Have you been in trouble with the police for aggression and or violence?
Do you have difficulty in dealing with people and family?
Do you have a pending court case and you solicitor has recommended that you attend Anger Management?
Has a judge, employer, partner, or spouse insisted that you seek help for your anger issues?
Do you find it difficult to communicate your needs to others?
Do you find yourself often or generally Frustrated or Annoyed with others?
Do you find it difficult to deal with children?
Do you experience yourself as aggressive or shouty?
Do your fears, frustrations, or upset manifest as shouting, arguing, breaking things, or other aggressive behaviours?

If so and
● You want to quickly resolve such behaviours or
● You do not have the time or opportunity to attend weekly one-to-one appointments or
● Prefer intensive courses or
● Your need is time sensitive, immediate or urgent and you need to work through an anger issue quickly and efficiently,
then, one of our Intensive Anger Management courses will be ideal for you!

Our intensive courses are designed for those in need of a timely, efficient and effective solution, to help them recover a rapidly deteriorating circumstance. The courses contain all the psycho-educational material that you will find in longer-term one-to-one appointments, plus plenty of examples to work through and the support and encouragement of the group.

A NEW and exciting way forward
Our Anger Management course has been ten years in the making and is completely unique and proprietary such that you will not find it anywhere else. And the efficacy of our courses are second to none. We have removed all the counterproductive, ineffective, and nonsensical elements found in ordinary anger management courses.
● Gone is the need for shame and guilt forcing anger-sufferers into contrition and compliance.
● Gone are unrealistic tools that seem like a good idea, but, are completely impractical and damaging.
● Gone is the perpetual need to be in fear and constantly checking and controlling oneself.
● Gone is all the trite and clichéd advice that one finds in fortune cookies.
● Gone are fault, blame and recrimination.
● Gone is the feeling of failure and disempowerment.

We have replaced all this damaging rubbish with a dynamic model that engenders, encourages and facilitates above all things, personal and relational growth that allows the individual to live beyond anger, aggression and violence.
Our clients are:
● Empowered to believe in themselves and their ability to live happy productive lives without Anger.
● Encouraged to let go of destructive self-punishing behaviours.
● Encouraged, no matter how difficult, to take responsibility for their own actions, so that they can change them.
● Treated with understanding and respect and not vilified or judged.
● Encouraged to live by high but achievable standards and be the best they can be.
Our unique course model:
● Is ground breaking and proven to be both effective and user-friendly
● Recognises the individual context of each person and takes a systemic approach that integrates all elements of their life.
● Is reasonable and analytical, allowing each anger-sufferer to understand the ins and outs of their own issues.
● Is designed to be simple and accessible while at the same time able to work at depth with complex issues.
● Is extremely insightful, interesting and engaging.
● Quickly exposes cycles of behaviours and psychology.
● Helps improve communication, confidence, relationship skills and understanding of oneself and others.

Unashamedly, we believe that our courses and training are amongst the best available in the country.
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Courses & Weekly Anger Management. Anger Management Couple

One-to-One Anger Reduction and Resolution Therapy

Despite having specialised in Anger Management Therapy for over a decade, and having a great reputation and proven record of success. Our services remain clinically innovative, ground breaking and at the top of our profession. Most anger management therapists misunderstand the true nature of anger issues and cobble together disparate ideas in the hope of being useful and making a living. We, on the other hand, are analytical psychotherapists who have studied anger at depth, understand its complexities and have created a unique and extremely effective model and dynamic treatment plan.
No More Shame.
No More Guilt.
No More Self-Recriminations.
An end to an era of screaming and shouting, fighting and smashing, bullying and sulking, rage, horrendous arguments, terrible communication, wrecked relationships, separation and divorce, lost children, lost work and employment, and the potential of doing it again and again and again!

It is time for change, and we can help you achieve that change.
You can become the best version of yourself.
You can live happily with others and they with you.
You can understand and be understood.
You can communicate effectively and listen well.
You can work with others and have great employment opportunities.
You can know peace without fear or anxiety.

Make your life your own and banish the daemon of Anger and Aggression.
And our expert Anger Reduction and Resolution Therapists can help you get there!
Contact Us for more information

Combined Intensive Courses and Training with One-to-One Therapy

You are in charge of your life and your destiny. Our treatment plans are designed around you. We will always do our best to accommodate you and best we can. We have both short-term courses and longer-term weekly anger therapy. For best effect, you can combine the two, to suite you. If you have an imminent need that cannot wait, then, utilise one of our high impact courses to quickly reduce and resolve the situation and stop any further degradation. Then once stabilised, you can work with the assistance and guidance of one of our expert therapists to help you put into good effect all that you learnt on the course and help you through any ‘complications’.
Contact Us for more information

No Need to Suffer, No need for Shame or Guilt

Sadly, for both men and women, inappropriate Anger, Aggression, and or Violence, are extremely common and are either part of ordinary personal and relational issues or, when extreme, part of disordered psychological issues. However, when part of ordinary personal and relational issues, anger, and aggression are readily resolvable without the need for long-term management, tool deployment or control. There is no need to suffer or cause or contribute to the suffering of others. And there is no need for self-punishment, shame or guilt, especially when these things just add to the problem.

No one of healthy mind wants to live under the oppression of Anger, Aggression or Violence, either as 'perpetrator' or 'victim'. And, given a reasonable amount of effective professional help and dedication and hard work on the part of the anger-sufferer, no one has to. Anger Management issues can be resolved, permanently.

Our Anger Resolution programs and courses do not rely on bullying, shaming or guilting anger-sufferers into acts of contrition or utilise tools or self-control which are near impossible to deploy when conditions become heated. Instead, we help anger-sufferers change the way they perceive themselves and those around them and change the way they engage and communicate with others.

We help anger-sufferers become the best possible version of themselves and have been successfully doing so for over a decade!

Separation, Divorce and Loss of Family

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